nel codice allegato, invio il comando "IOCHK" , che viene ricevuto correttamente, ed entro nel blocco "lbl_iochk".
Nel loop di questo blocco, ho il problema che spesso, non viene ricevuto il comando "MENU" per uscire dal loop...
Come posso evitare?
- Code: Select all
$regfile = "m32def.dat"
$crystal = 4000000
$baud = 38400
$hwstack = 40
$swstack = 32
$framesize = 40
Config Com1 = Dummy , Synchrone = 0 , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8 , Clockpol = 0
Config Serialin = Buffered , Size = 254
Config Serialout = Buffered , Size = 254
Config Portb = Input
Config Portd.2 = Output 'buzzer
In0 Alias Pinb.0
In1 Alias Pinb.1
In2 Alias Pinb.2
In3 Alias Pinb.3
In4 Alias Pinb.4
In5 Alias Pinb.5
In6 Alias Pinb.6
In7 Alias Pinb.7
Buzzer Alias Portd.2
Declare Sub Bip
Dim Rx_cmd As Byte , Ric As Byte
Dim Command As String * 254 , Ioval_prec As String * 21 , Cmdsend As String * 21 , S As String * 5 , Cmd_tnn As String * 254
Dim Refresh As Word , Vadc0 As Word , Vadc2 As Word , Vadc4 As Word
Dim Count As Long
Waitms 250
Command = ""
Ric = 0
Rx_cmd = 0
Rx_cmd = Ischarwaiting()
If Rx_cmd = 1 Then
Rx_cmd = Waitkey()
Ric = 1
Command = Command + Chr(rx_cmd)
Waitms 1
If Ric = 1 Then
Ric = 0
If Mid(command , 1 , 5) = "IOCHK" Then
Waitms 250
Print "TNN";
Waitms 1
Gosub Check_tnn
Goto Lbl_iochk
End If
Command = ""
End If
End If
Refresh = 0
IOVAL_prec = ""
Command = ""
Ric = 0
Rx_cmd = 0
Incr Refresh
If Refresh = 2000 Then
Refresh = 0
Vadc0 = Getadc(0)
Waitms 1
Vadc2 = Getadc(2)
Waitms 1
Vadc4 = Getadc(4)
S = Str(vadc0)
Cmdsend = "ADCVL" + Format(s , "0000")
S = Str(vadc2)
Cmdsend = Cmdsend + Format(s , "0000")
S = Str(vadc4)
Cmdsend = Cmdsend + Format(s , "0000")
Print Cmdsend;
Waitms 1
Gosub Check_tnn
End If
Cmdsend = "IOVAL" + Str(in0) + Str(in1) + Str(in2) + Str(in3) + Str(in4) + Str(in5) + Str(in6) + Str(in7)
If Cmdsend <> IOVAL_prec Then
Ioval_prec = Cmdsend
Print Cmdsend;
Waitms 1
Gosub Check_tnn
End If
Rx_cmd = Ischarwaiting()
If Rx_cmd = 1 Then
Rx_cmd = Waitkey()
Ric = 1
Command = Command + Chr(rx_cmd)
Waitms 1
If Ric = 1 Then
Ric = 0
If Mid(command , 1 , 4) = "MENU" Then
Waitms 250 'Waitms 1
Print "TNN";
Waitms 1
Gosub Check_tnn
Command = ""
Exit Do
End If
Command = ""
End If
End If
Goto Main_menu
'****** Check that you received the "TNN" code, indicating that the command sent was received correctly.
Count = 0
Cmd_tnn = ""
Rx_cmd = Ischarwaiting()
If Rx_cmd = 1 Then
Rx_cmd = Waitkey()
Ric = 1
Cmd_tnn = Cmd_tnn + Chr(rx_cmd)
Waitms 1
If Ric = 1 Then
Ric = 0
If Mid(cmd_tnn , 1 , 3) = "TNN" Then
Cmd_tnn = ""
Count = 0
Exit Do
End If
Cmd_tnn = ""
End If
End If
Incr Count
If Count = 130000 Then 'waiting for about 3 seconds, if no response, alarm ....
Count = 0
Waitms 500
End If
Sub Bip
Buzzer = 0
Waitms 20
Buzzer = 1
End Sub